Spectacular Amiga 500 OCS 7Mhz first person shooter "Grind" is boldly going serial-link multiplayer.
"Grind" has come a long way from the early "Dread" demos. It's becoming a super polished game, with tons of atmosphere, thanks to the fine tuned visuals, and sounds, and of course the stunningly fast Doom-like 3D graphics engine. And it's got what way too few Amiga games, especially first-person-shooter games, have: it's multiplayer!
A new demo has just been released that features the latest serial-link (nullmodem) program code, a set of options to make adjustments to the multiplayer game mode, two arenas for players to duel, and a round of other updates.
Here you can watch a video on "Saberman RetroNews" YouTube channel (2024-07-14):
Check YouTube's video description for more information.
If you like to directly support "Grind", you can go to the game's Patreon website: https://www.patreon.com/Grind_Amiga
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