AMIGA alive

AMIGA alive

Thursday, July 19, 2018

WinUAE 4.0.1 is out

Famous Amiga emulator WinUAE has been updated to version 4.0.1, as always fixing numerous bugs, and adding new features.

The most advanced and best known Amiga emulator just got another update. No huge changes, mostly bugfixes, and some new features like adding emulation of the QuikPak 4060 accelerator board.

The "Win" in "WinUAE" of course stands for "Windows", but did you know WinUAE is also probably the best Amiga emulator for Linux? Yes, you can install "wine" on your Linux machine to run Windows applications, and WinUAE will work nicely with it.

Whatever hardware you want to run WinUAE on -
head over to and grab your copy!
